“Let People be People”

”let people be people”

My current mantra... it brings me a sense of instant clarity and acceptance.

We waste a lot of our own time and energy on other people. 

Even in passing conversations, even when we walk through the grocery store, even when we become irritated with our neighbor.

When we are triggered by what someone says, what they do, or how they act - we become judgmental, we become ego-based, we somehow become the center of the situation - we fill with anger, frustration, irritation…

And in some ways this is a good thing… because then we can acknowledge our shadowy aspects, our darkness, our negative qualities - why is this triggering me? Why is this person (potentially a stranger) making me feel so angry or upset? (Instantly.)

It isn’t them… it’s you… it’s your perspective, your issues coming up, your own demons rising through your mind and coming to the surface of your own skin.

Let people be people.
Let you, just be you.

People have their own issues to deal with. Their own madness and trauma and scars. We often see this, but we don’t really accept it. Because people have their own levels of awareness, and they rarely understand that their actions and energy may effect everyone around them. But let them be… stop judging them, stop berating them, stop trying to liberate them or change them.

Let people be people…

Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s just where I’m at in this moment (because I know this state of being won’t last forever) but I just have so much of my own life to cultivate, I have so much of my own energy to work on, my own shadow to integrate, my own life to be living and because I’m aware of that - I have so much more compassion for others, a lot less judgement, a lot less resentment, and a lot less anger and hate to throw around… 

When I am self-aware, everyone is my teacher… because when I am triggered, it is not them, it is through me that this reaction is happening.

And on the greater scale of ‘seeing’ - everyone is me, in a different form - so when I offer healing to someone who is hurt, when I offer love in a place where there is anger, when I offer understanding in place of ignorance - I heal my own being, just in a seemingly separate form.

When I let people be people… I see myself in the people… I see my former selves who hit some really low points… some aspects of myself that were ignorant, naive, or too filled with pride… but when I let people be without judgement, I also see humanity waking up… I see the smiles returned walking down the street, I see the mother who is trying her best to keep it all together, I see the lover turned poet by their heartache and loss… I start to see the beauty in it all, the divine web that weaves us all together.

Let people be people.

When I feel anger, when I feel hate welling up because of someone else’s words or actions - I take a deep breath and repeat this in my heart - and I find more awareness, more tolerance, more compassion… I find that this pause melts my reaction into space, I am less hurt, less offended, less toxic… 

…which feels good, because those vibrations don’t hurt anyone but me anyway.

Let people be people.

Because in the end… we’re all just trying to get through the day. We’re trying to make it through life without a guidebook, without an agenda, without any real idea of how this thing is supposed to work… sometimes it even feels like we’re trying to make it through without a real friend or companion… but we’re still trying… we’re still moving on… so maybe we can just accept each other for who we all are and accept where we are on the journey and begin to pave the way with a little more love in our hearts.


I’m here to tell you…

